A DIY Homemade Obstacle Course

July 11, 2019 54 Comments
Freddy at his 8th Birthday party

We don’t have any real birthday traditions in our home. With so many kids in our family, we have a birthday or two almost every month of the year. With changing seasons, a lot of activities and several moves over the years, there has just not been a certain way that we do birthdays.

Treasure Hunt

David at 15 years old this week (2019)

We do have one tradition, our birthday kid treasure hunt. When the important kid of the day wakes up, they have a birthday balloon in their room with a note and a clue. The house is filled with clues and the ‘treasure’ at the end is new birthday clothes for their special day. It’s the first present of the day until we celebrate later.

Birthday celebrations range from dinner out to a special dinner at home, from switching days we celebrate to birthdays on the road. A few times, the stars have aligned to be able to throw a real birthday party with friends. Freddy’s 8th birthday was one of those times.


Freddy’s birthday is in July and I had already started planning for his birthday before the last of my new kids arrived. That didn’t change anything… I just included them in the planning and the fun.


Freddy has high functioning autism and has struggled with anxiety, focus and behaviors in school from pre-school on. But by 2nd grade, though he still struggled, he was a popular kid in his class. His intelligence and creativity put him in the middle of all kinds of activities and experiments that his peers would never have thought of and they were always fascinated and delighted with things he would come up with. His teachers played a big part in creating environments that were not only inclusive but celebratory of differences.

Anyway, he had a host of friends who wanted to come to his party, so we invited the whole class. It being summer, only about half the kids came because many families had vacations and other obligations. We had about a dozen children from Freddy’s class (and a couple of younger siblings), plus the eight kids I had at home at the time. We decided to go big with activities inside and outside of our home. The weather cooperated (which is always iffy in Seattle) and we had a blast with an expansive, homemade obstacle course.

The Obstacle Course

Our home at the time was up on a hill with a large balcony overlooking the front yard. Along the entire edges of the yard, up from the street and driveway was large stretches of ivy. My kids already used the ivy as a climbing wall, so we decided to start the obstacle course with a ‘climbing wall.’

DIY Note: I’ll try to add different ideas along with our story. There are things you can buy that will get the same gross motor/fine motor/eye-hand coordination effects that we created. But finding things you can use at home is just as fun!


Note: I don’t have permission to show kids’ faces from back then, so you’ll see my kids or hidden face action shots of other kids. πŸ™‚

After the kids climbed up the ivy hillsides they found a stretch of hoops to jump through down the front yard, and they had to pick up the last hoop to hula once before moving on. Coming back up the front lawn, they were to leap over low walls (like little fences or borders you’d run along the front of a flower bed) on their way to the trampoline.

In lieu of hula hoops for jumping, try carpet squares or circles made on the lawn with ribbon or rope or even rings on the ground made out of sawdust or dry elbow macaroni.

In lieu of leaping over flower bed edging, perhaps you have some orange cones, or make low walls (only about 6-8 inches) out of Duplos, or put out several larger stuffed animals that they can leap over. Maybe you have a jump rope or two that they can use instead of leaping over something.


Dixie helping the kids on the trampoline

On the trampoline, my daughter timed one full minute of any kind of tricks or jumps each kid wanted to do. We had them go one at a time, but later, for free play, we allowed 2 or 3 kids at a time.

No trampoline? Do you know anyone with a mini trampoline? How about an exercise ball that they can sit on and bounce? Maybe an Xbox station with Just Dance? Or maybe a jump rope station with 2 turners? Double Dutch if you have older kids with skills?


Dixie and Beatrice helped the kids up the side of the deck

From there, we had nailed random 2×4’s up the end of our deck and helped the kids climb up to the deck.

No Deck or climbing wall? Ladder up against a tree? Maybe a stair climber exercise machine? Or just a plain old staircase? Kids love to climb!


Eleanor and Henry with the wheels on the deck

On the deck, we had a variety of scooters and bikes and the kids were to pick a set of wheels and make two rounds on the deck.

All kids love wheels, right? any thing that will let them scoot around a patch of real estate of some kind will serve the purpose for this station


Balancing through the house

Then the kids headed inside to cross the balance beam…..

We actually had a homemade balance beam in our living room for many years. Hard core gymnast was always working on her routines. But you don’t need a real beam to have a balance station. A curb? A log? A wall? Or… if you have kids in the house, investing in a low beam (or making your own – my brother-in-law used railroad tie and carpeting) is a good thing.


‘Laser’ action

After crossing the balance beam, the kids had to navigate the ‘lasers.’ It was red yarn zigzagged across the hallway to the back door. They were not supposed to touch the lasers at all and one of the parents had a bell to ding if a laser got ‘tripped.’ LOL

I personally don’t know anyone with real laser tripwires. Red yarn won the day. But I can see if someone had a bunch of laser pointers that they could set up for this. THAT would be really cool.


Freddy and a friend… pull that load

Out the back door, and to the side of the house where they had to pull a wagon filled with 50+ pounds of stuff, down the side of the house and back. It was interesting because some of the kids pulled the wagon, some chose to put the handle up and push it. And two buddies decided to work together (smart kids!)

I’m sure most families with kids have a wagon. If not, how about a dolly with some boxes on it? Or a loaded up stroller? Make it heavy enough to be a challenge to push or pull, but not too hard so that it’s not fun.


Clara making the belly crawl

My daughter, Clara, made a belly crawl station using our picnic table and benches and lawn chairs and a lot of blankets.

This station was a real DIY… reminiscent of all the forts we build continuously inside and outside for story time, make-believe, doll houses, etc. Of course, if anyone has one of those worm-like tunnel toys, that would work, too… maybe two or three end-to-end.


Freddy’s friends trying not to get stuck in the spider web

After they came out the end of the ‘tunnel,’ the kids had to squeeze through a ‘spider web’ that one of my daughters made between two trees.

We used web straps from the van that we used for tying things to the top of the car. But any kind of rope would work for this station.


Then croquet!!!!

Freddy at croquet

The wickets were numbered and led the way to the end of the yard where they had to climb/slide down the stone wall to the driveway.

Croquet is croquet and I can’t think of anything that would replace it… except maybe a different yard game…. corn hole? a frisbee target? horse shoes?


This is the top of the driveway. Croquet ended up on the lawn to the left by the fence. Then the kids had to come down the wall via the little slide. Sandbox (racing car) to the left, then swimming pool, then hopscotch was the last station at the bottom left.

You may/may not need the section about getting participants from the back yard down the wall in the upper left of the above photo. We used our gymnastics mats and our little plastic slide to get the kids off the wall. The blue tarp then was just covering a rocky patch to that little blue car. The car was our sandbox.


Freddy was burying the beads before the party

Over to the sandbox to dig for beads in the sand. They were pretty glass beads and the kids were welcomed to dig for as many as they wanted to keep. The boys whipped through the course and got their one obligatory bead each time they came around. The girls had more fun searching for different beads.

Any sandbox will do. Or maybe a large bucket filled with Orbeez beads that the kids can dig their hands into? Or any kind of container filled with sand or any kind of sensory materials. And it doesn’t have to be pretty beads… maybe gold coins or plastic dinosaurs… anything that would strike the fancy of your child and age group of kids.


Squirt those balloons (or friends)

We sent the kids over to the swimming pool where they were supposed to use a squirter (a water gun of sorts) to push a balloon from one side of the pool to the other. It was a nice, hot July day, so the squirters occasionally hit real people, too. Ok, ok… A LOT of real people (with permission). πŸ™‚

If you don’t have a pool of any kind available, maybe a large, flat storage bin (like an under-the-bed bin?) and use ping pong balls or plastic checkers pieces that will float and still use the water squirters, or perhaps blow the items across? Be creative!


Since it was a hot day, we made the water play the last station, except for a round of hopscotch down the driveway that led the kids back to the rope climb up the ivy hillside to start over again if they wanted.

Most of the kids went around the course 3-5 times in the 90 minutes we had set to play. Then they started just picking areas that they wanted to go enjoy again and all were definitely ready for lemonade and cake for the last 30 minutes of the party. It was such a fun afternoon!

We sent home some tired, happy kids that day.

One more note… it sounds like a lot of work, eh? It took us most of a day and a half to get it all put into place, but we had SOOOO much fun setting things up that it wasn’t work at all. Proof? Check out Beatrice and Dixie setting up the pool.

I’d really love to have you along for the journey! Sign up here to get email notes every time I post a new article. There are a lot more stories to come!!!


  1. Reply

    Ruth Iaela-Pukahi

    July 31, 2019

    What a fun idea! I love simple and creative parties!

    • Reply


      August 3, 2019

      The kids had SOOOO much fun!!!

  2. Reply


    July 29, 2019

    What a neat idea. My kids would love this!

    • Reply


      July 29, 2019

      Go for it!!!!

  3. Reply


    July 24, 2019

    I absolutely love this! With 2 boys, this is right up my ally! We just talked about doing something similar in the yard for our older son and you gave me some great ideas. Thank you!!

    • Reply


      July 26, 2019

      Wonderful! I wish I could see what you come up with!!!! Have fun.

  4. Reply


    July 24, 2019

    This looks like so much fun, and I love the birthday balloon/treasure hunt idea!

    • Reply


      July 26, 2019

      Thanks, Liz. It definitely was a fun day and the treasure hunt is something the kids love. They know they are getting clothes (it won’t be toys) and they are still excited!!!!

  5. Reply


    July 23, 2019

    What a fun idea! Looks like they had a great time.

    • Reply


      July 26, 2019

      They had a blast!!!! So did I!!!!

  6. Reply

    T.M. Brown

    July 23, 2019

    I love how this fosters creativity and team work!!! What a great way to celebrate an event or enjoy some time together!

    • Reply


      July 26, 2019

      Yes! At least half of the ideas came from the kids. And they put most of it together! Fun!!!!

  7. Reply


    July 23, 2019

    Wow! Great job! These kids are so lucky to have you πŸ™‚ You can adopt me any time πŸ˜€

    • Reply


      July 26, 2019

      I’m glad you are enjoying this!
      Come on over and join in the fun!

  8. Reply


    July 22, 2019

    I would always do a scavenger hunt for my boys birthday partys. It was always fun. I love the idea of the obstacle course. You all were so creative! Absolutely love it! Thanks for sharing

    • Reply


      July 26, 2019

      Smart minds think alike. Treasure hunts are the best. πŸ™‚

  9. Reply

    Melissa Jones

    July 22, 2019

    So fun! I loved doing these kinds of things when my kids were little!

    • Reply


      July 26, 2019

      We’ve ended up doing obstacle courses over and over again at every home. Just for fun. I’m still raising Littles, so we keep having fun.

  10. Reply


    July 22, 2019

    What fun ideas! The kids look like they’re having a blast, and they’ll remember the fun forever. My daughter would have a lot of fun doing this!

    • Reply


      July 26, 2019

      We did have a blast. All of us did. Maybe your daughter can help put one together for her friends?

  11. Reply

    Tricia Snow

    July 22, 2019

    Looks like an awesome time!

    • Reply


      July 26, 2019

      Yup!!!!! Summer fun!

  12. Reply


    July 22, 2019

    This is some great ideas to keep the kids busy never really thought about doing this in my backyard. But I bet it would be some serious fun.

    • Reply


      July 26, 2019

      Both building it AND running it are fun. We kept ours up for a couple of days and my kids did a few rounds as races…. timing each other. πŸ™‚

  13. Reply


    July 22, 2019

    What cute ideas! I may do something like this for my son’s 8th birthday! He’d love it! Thank you for the great ideas.

    • Reply


      July 26, 2019

      Ooooh! I’d love to see what you come up with!!!! Have fun.

  14. Reply

    Lisa Manderino

    July 22, 2019

    Oh wow, this looks like so much fun! I love all the creative touches!

    • Reply


      July 26, 2019

      It’s all so much fun. Obviously homemade, and kids don’t need fancy toys!

  15. Reply

    Leigh Ann

    July 22, 2019

    I love your treasure hunt tradition! I want to start this in our house 😊

    • Reply


      July 26, 2019

      The treasure hunt is definitely one of the highlights of our birthdays. They know they are getting clothing, but the thrill is in the hunt. For very littles, I would draw pictures of where to find the next clue. For my early readers, I would write a whole sentence of where the next clue was. For the older kids, I try to come up with riddles or such. It’s fun.

  16. Reply

    Suzan | It's My Sustainable Life

    July 22, 2019

    Karla I want to come to your next Birthday celebration!! This looks like it was so much fun to make and participate in. Happy Birthday, David!!

    • Reply


      July 26, 2019

      Thanks, Suzan. You are invited any time! The more the merrier.

  17. Reply


    July 22, 2019

    What an amazing party idea! I’m sure David loved it, along with his many friends!

    Your huge heart and the way you love all of your kids is truly inspiring! Thank you for sharing!

    • Reply


      July 26, 2019

      Aw, thanks, Katie. We have a lot of fun around here.

  18. Reply


    July 22, 2019

    What a great idea! We did this for our daughter a few times when she was growing up. Having big parties or going out with a bunch of kids can get pretty expensive all the time. We also did a few scavenger hunts through the years also and those were fun too!

    • Reply


      July 26, 2019

      I think the kids remember the birthdays better that we created. They always talk about the prep as much as the actual party. πŸ™‚

  19. Reply


    July 22, 2019

    wow that was gigantic. What a lot of fun to be had. The getting through the spider web cracked me up.

    • Reply


      July 26, 2019

      It was a blast! It was interesting to watch the spider web. When a kid found the hole they wanted to go through, it would close up right behind them, so the next kid had to decide which way to go.

  20. Reply

    Beth Balberchak

    July 22, 2019

    What a great idea! I love David’s shirt. πŸ™‚

    • Reply


      July 26, 2019


  21. Reply

    Haley Kelley

    July 22, 2019

    This is so fun! Summertime should be made up of ideas like this! Great job!

    • Reply


      July 26, 2019

      Summer fun! We try to do so much on a limited budget. Obstacle course are one of our favorites.

  22. Reply


    July 22, 2019

    What a great idea! Sometimes you have to think outside the box and what a perfect way to engage the kids, have some fun and keep them active!

    • Reply


      July 22, 2019

      We do obstacle course all year round (especially inside during the rainy winters). They are always different. This was the first time we invited so many kids (and made it so big). It was a blast!

  23. Reply

    Jonsie Ivey

    July 18, 2019

    I absolutely love the idea of an obstacle course. You made an awesome one! Very creative! My children are grown but I can see my two-year-old granddaughter enjoying a scaled-down version of this. I have done the clues to find a hidden present several times with my kids and they always loved it. I even did it just this year with my son for Christmas and he is now 28 years old! His gift was plants that I couldn’t really wrap, so they were hidden outside with several clues hidden in puzzles for him to find them. Great article!

    • Reply


      July 18, 2019

      Wonderful. I have 5 year old granddaughters who live with me most of the time and we do mini obstacle courses inside all the time, especially as we live in rainy Seattle and we have to use up energy inside much of the winter. LOL

  24. Reply

    Stephanie Hawthorne

    July 18, 2019

    I absolutely love the birthday treasure hunt idea! That is such a unique and memorable thing to do with your kids. How did you come up with the idea? That is one of the best and sweetest moments that they’ll remember all throughout their lives! What a huge blessing to have them in your life as well. I admire what you do so much. Hope the rest of your day is filled with lots of love!


    • Reply


      July 18, 2019

      Thank you, Stephanie. I have no memory of when I came up with the treasure hunt. I took in my first foster child 28 years ago and it has continued that long for any child who happens to be here on their birthday. It has gotten tricky a couple of times when various kids are teens…. trying giving a teenage girl some clothing sight unseen and HOPE she will approve. LOL It’s usually ok, but yes, I love this tradition. Even when we’ve had little ones here, the older kids enjoy doing the treasure hunt with the babies and getting them dressed up.

  25. Reply


    July 18, 2019

    This looks like so much fun! I used to love obstacle courses when I was a kid πŸ™‚

    • Reply


      July 18, 2019

      I suspect all kids love obstacle courses! I have little girls here with summer birthdays. I think another obstacle course will be in our near future.

  26. Reply


    July 18, 2019

    I love this!! We go to parks a lot (I have 3 girls) and they are constantly creating obstacle courses through the play equipment. I think my favorite of yours was the sticky spider web – how fun!

    • Reply


      July 18, 2019

      Thank you, Christy! We do inside obstacle courses in the winter all the time…. tables, chairs, blankets, orange cones, jump ropes…. wear them out!!!!

  27. Reply


    July 16, 2019

    You have a HUGE house! The obstacle course is very creative to get the whole family active without leaving the house. Good job!

    • Reply


      July 16, 2019

      It is huge! The lower level is a mother-in-law unit, so we had the full upper level. And this was probably one of the best birthday parties ever. All of the mom’s asked me how we did it.


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