Oh, Lordy! The emails!

January 18, 2019 52 Comments


Benjamin on the school playground, 2012

It’s Friday. It’s the day my email account EXPLODES with messages.

I try. I REALLY, really try to read them all, but goodness, there are so many of them! You see, I have 7 kids right now in 5 different schools. In this age of technology, communication is all about emailing. It’s not just 5 emails, either, from 5 schools. This evening, I opened my computer to find TWENTY-SEVEN emails from schools and teachers. Have I mentioned that I have seven children in my home? When am I supposed to read 27 emails?

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This week, there is a parent bulletin email from each school… The gist of these emails (one from the preschool, one each from 2 elementary schools, one from the middle school, and one from the high school) is to keep parents updated on school events, parent meetings, club updates, closure days. That’s 5 emails to read.

The next set was a weekly email from 3 of the principals to share the things that clubs, student activities, classes, and staff are working on within the school community. Counting? We are up to 8 emails.

Then there are the weekly emails that the classroom teachers send out about work that is happening with their students. One from the preschool teacher, one from the 1st grade teacher, and one from the 5th grade teacher. AND… since the 7th grader, 8th grader, and high schooler each have multiple periods during the day, many of their teachers (6 periods/day for each of them) send classroom notes about the language arts, the math, the technology class, the psychology class, etc. They share about what students are currently working on, assignments that are due, opportunities for family to help. Most of the teachers send their updates on Friday afternoon. Today, there were emails from 16 different teachers!!!!! Still counting? That is 24 emails!!!!!

But wait!!!!! There was also an email from the school district about the upcoming levy on the ballot. There was an email from the school district superintendent about the work she sees happening in the district and the issues she and school board are working on. And last, but not least, an email from the PTSA Special Education committee about their upcoming meeting to which all families are welcome.

Voila! Twenty-seven school related emails on a Friday afternoon. Who could ask for anything more? Actually…. while I am groaning, I am also very thankful. I am grateful that my children’s educators take their time to reach out and keep us parents updated. I am grateful for technology that allows this to happen in such a timely way. And I LOVE that classroom and homework assignments are put into writing so I know how to keep the kids on task if needed.

I used to try to skim the emails, but kept missing details…. like field trip dates, concert performance dates, project assignments, etc. I quickly learned that not paying full attention to the messages really messed up all my efforts to keep my little duckies in a row. And more importantly, I did not see the notes that gave me insight into my children’s days and I lost good fodder for conversations with the kids about their lives.

So now, it’s Friday evening…. family night with a movie and popcorn. Every once in a while, I consider what fun it would be to have a real date on a Friday night again. But, besides keeping busy with all my kids, who has time for dating when I have 27 emails to read?


January 30, 2019


  1. Reply

    Pauline Reynolds

    September 16, 2019

    I love it when teachers connect. Last year my then third grader, had a teacher with the worst communication skills. It was truly sad because I felt that I could not appropriately help her last year.

    • Reply


      September 16, 2019

      We’ve had teachers like that, too. We trust our kids to them, so it’s hard to not have mutual communication! I hope things are better now.

  2. Reply


    September 16, 2019

    Oh, my goodness! I never even thought about the overwhelming swarm of emails you must get!!! I’m sure you sit there with your calendar and notebook open and ready to take down all the pertinent info when you do dive into them. Kudos to you!!!! You’re amazing!

    • Reply


      September 16, 2019

      Wow! You pictured it exactly! I have a set of colored pens, too…. each kid has a color for when I take notes. LOL

  3. Reply

    Kathy Phillips

    September 12, 2019

    You are a wonderful mom. Keeping up with all that you do seems overwhelming at times. I praise you for what you are doing. Family movie night is great! I have a 16-year-old and we do a “date” night. With eating out and movies.

    • Reply


      September 12, 2019

      What a gift for your daughter! Going out is usually like driving around with a circus, but everyone all snuggled with “beds” made up on the floor and popcorn crunching is like heaven to me! And the Bigs snuggling up with the Littles is such a gift!

  4. Reply


    September 11, 2019

    Ahhh emails. I get more than a hundred a day and right now I’m way way behind. I have 14,641 unopened emails. Sigh. I really need to spend a whole day deleting.

    • Reply


      September 12, 2019

      OMG! A hundred a day! I think if I had that many unopened, I’d just delete the whole inbox and start over. Wow! I don’t have any unopened, but too many that need to be either deleted or saved to relevant files (all written documentation from schools and teachers get filed for if I need them for advocacy).

  5. Reply


    September 11, 2019

    Bwahahahaha! “Who has time for dating with 27 emails to read?” I feel ya, mama! Staying on top of my two kids is enough of a challenge most days. And there is always SOMETHING that slips through the cracks and needed TOMORROW. I can’t even imagine taking care of emails for more kids! Good thing you’re up to the challenge!

    • Reply


      September 12, 2019

      Bwahahahaha! Yeah, keeping it light helps me a lot and teachers seem to give me a little leeway if I miss something! And I wouldn’t give up guiding 7 kids through this jungle anyway!!!! πŸ™‚

  6. Reply

    Christina Furnival | Real Life Mama

    September 11, 2019

    Oh man I feel you on keeping up with the emails, but I can’t even imagine with 7 kids the extra amount you get! And I’m a zero inbox sorta girl, so the notifications get to me!!!

    • Reply


      September 12, 2019

      Oh, yes. I don’t have a zero inbox, but everything gets read or deleted, so I’m a zero unread inbox kind of girl. πŸ™‚

  7. Reply

    Lina Thao

    September 11, 2019

    Story of my life πŸ™
    Email overload! I do agree with you that I am glad the schools are taking the time to communicate with us on how our kids’ days are going. We appreciate our boys’ school for all they do especially with communication.

    • Reply


      September 12, 2019

      That’s the real win… knowing what is going on with the kids. I really am grateful for all that communicating.

  8. Reply


    September 10, 2019

    Bless your heart, dear!!! What a great reminder that those emails also symbolize someone on the other end who really cares for your child… how sweet of you to recognize the blessing.

    • Reply


      September 12, 2019

      Truly, truly a blessing. I love teachers!

  9. Reply


    September 10, 2019

    This made me chuckle. Your Friday nights sound as exciting as mine. ;0) It is great that the schools keep in touch. I have two kiddos and love that I can keep up on what is happening. The homework links are invaluable. I just wish high school did them, though I get why they don’t. Happy Reading!

    • Reply


      September 12, 2019

      I’m glad you enjoyed it. Our high school and middle school students all have access to their homework assignments through our district website. We have one site where the teachers list units and assignments that are missing or late and the grade or points they received as well as current grade in the course. We also have something called schoology where assignments are broken down for the students with due dates and requirements, especially projects. It’s a good way to stay on top of things without nagging the kids. They have no excuses for not knowing what is going on. It’s great!

  10. Reply


    September 10, 2019

    Great post! We all know that feeling. Email is supposed to be a thing of the past (from what I keep hearing) but my inbox explodes just like yours does. Good luck keeping up. πŸ™‚

    • Reply


      September 12, 2019

      I just keep plugging away and stay connected with all the teachers so that they know I am involved in the kids’ progress, even if it is just monitoring things

  11. Reply

    Lisa Manderino

    September 10, 2019

    That is a lot! I have 4 kids in 3 schools and I think that is hard!

    • Reply


      September 12, 2019

      And yet, somehow, we get it done, don’t we? Education is a gift not afforded many people around the world, so I will count all these emails as a blessing!

  12. Reply

    Maria Gustafsson

    September 10, 2019

    OK well I don’t envy you and your 27 school related emails. But you are funny, and engaging despite the busy life you live, and I always enjoy reading your posts.

    • Reply


      September 12, 2019

      Oh, thank you so much, Maria! I do so appreciate the support and encouragement.

  13. Reply


    September 10, 2019

    I want to hug you! (LOL). 7 children in 5 schools? I’m sure life can be a 7 ring circus at your house, but it sounds like you are handling it with balance and poise. Sometimes our venting posts turn out to be some of our best!

    • Reply


      September 12, 2019

      I’d take hugs ANY TIME!!!! We just step up day by day and in the end, find the joy.

  14. Reply


    September 10, 2019

    I don’t even have time to deal with 27 emails! Good luck, Karla…may the force be with you πŸ™‚

    • Reply


      September 12, 2019

      Star Wars! Thanks! Over the past few years, we switched from ‘may the force be with you’ to ‘May the odds be ever in your favor’ LOL
      Thanks, Suzan.

  15. Reply

    Haley Kelley

    September 10, 2019

    I feel this on so many levels! I receive so many emails and most of them don’t even apply to my life.

    • Reply


      September 12, 2019

      Well….. the ones that don’t apply to me (what’s up with “refinance” when I don’t even own a home?) get ticked off as spam. All the rest are prioritized, but the school emails have to be read over the weekend so I don’t miss something for the next week. I’ve learned my lesson the hard way! LOL

  16. Reply

    Melissa Jones

    September 9, 2019

    Boy I understand that! I had seven at home at one time too! I always hated it when the teachers would email, but not say what grade they tought or what class if the kid was in middle school–I never knew which kid they were sending class information about until I asked the kids!

    • Reply


      September 12, 2019

      I just laughed!!!!! I get that, too. IT’s the middle school and high school emails that get me, too. I have to ask the kids if there is no clue in the email… though the ones where I can’t figure out which kid and what class usually don’t matter to me. If it’s not specific enough to my kid or the subject matter, they really aren’t giving me useful information. Blah, blah, blah. LOL

  17. Reply

    Matt Epley

    September 9, 2019

    “I am grateful that my children’s educators take their time to reach out and keep us parents updated. I am grateful for technology that allows this to happen in such a timely way. And I LOVE that classroom and homework assignments are put into writing so I know how to keep the kids on task if needed.”

    My wife and I just had a similar conversation the other day. We decided to respond to each and every from our kids’ teachers, good or bad, so that they know that their efforts are not in vain, and also so they can rest assured that their efforts are appreciated.

    If anyone could use a bit of encouragement, it’s our children’s teachers. Great post!

    • Reply


      September 12, 2019

      Thank you, Matt. I reply to a lot of them, but haven’t done so with the intentionality that you just spoke of. I will do so if I can. You are right. If they are taking the time to write, they should know that we appreciate it! Thank you!

  18. Reply


    September 9, 2019

    OMG! I can totally relate! Not only do you get the important emails that you need to READ you have to shuffle through all the non essential emails and hope you don’t delete the one you need to answer. But you are absolutely right in being thankful for the correspondence regarding your students.

    • Reply


      September 12, 2019

      Thanks, Natalie! I SOOOOO much want to scan it all, but I keep getting myself into trouble with my kids for missing something when I do that. Since I wrote this piece, I have set up a reward system for myself… every time I finish an email with the attention it is due, I get myself a treat… a piece of chocolate, a spoonful of ice cream, a sip of wine… It makes it a bit more… well… rewarding. πŸ™‚

  19. Reply

    Tricia Snow

    September 9, 2019

    I love what you are doing and you are a saint! I could not go back to those days!

    • Reply


      September 12, 2019

      Thank you, Tricia. I am thankful for the whole journey.

  20. Reply


    September 9, 2019

    7 children in 5 schools – oh my word that would take a lot of skill to keep organized! 27 emails is a ton!

    • Reply


      September 12, 2019

      It’s quite the circus some days. But the kids respond well to some good organization (most of the time), so we manage to keep the train on the tracks most of the time.

  21. Reply


    September 9, 2019

    Schools keep students and parents busy I agree with you about the tons of email.

    • Reply


      September 12, 2019

      We just keep plugging away, don’t we? πŸ™‚

  22. Reply

    Ramae Hamrin

    September 9, 2019

    Wow, that’s a lot of emails! I, too, used to skim over emails but have recently changed my ways. You really do miss the details. Dating is overrated anyway … 😊

    • Reply


      September 12, 2019

      Hahahahahaha! Yes, dating is overrated. Though a decent ADULT conversation would be nice. Still, I will plug away and enjoy this phase of life

  23. Reply


    September 9, 2019

    I agree – mommy overload BUT such a blessing that you get real communication. It is time worth spent by all of you. Good luck next Friday!

    • Reply


      September 12, 2019

      Thanks, Angela. Since I’m not much of a phone person, I truly do appreciate the email communications. I just need to get myself settled, comfortable and committed to getting it done. Not all of parenting is fun and games!

  24. Reply


    September 9, 2019

    Goodness! That’s a lot! My son’s K-8 charter school was soooooooo email heavy! Thankfully his highschool isn’t on that same page. I can’t imagine having that multiplied by even more children. My now 2 adult children would come home with a weekly Journal note from the teacher and a monthly newsletter from the school. It seems that now with the more digital capability comes more overwhelm!

    • Reply


      September 12, 2019

      It IS overwhelming at times and I need to keep reminding myself that the teachers really are putting a lot of effort into my children and they deserve to have me do so, too.

  25. Reply


    September 9, 2019

    HAHA!I can’t say I miss all those email and text messages! Although, I def wouldn’t want to homeschool 7 children either! Hope you get some r&r someday!

    • Reply


      September 12, 2019

      Thanks, Robin! It is one of the more tedious parts of parenting, but SO valuable at the same time! I have homeschooled one child at a time over the years when school was just not going well. I would never be able to do all 7!!!!! Especially as they are K-10th grade now.

  26. Reply

    Melissa Parcel

    September 9, 2019

    Oh my, I don’t think I could read that many e-mails (and I get a lot of them myself!)

    • Reply


      September 12, 2019

      One way or another, it gets done. They really do help me out, so I make sure it happens!


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