Oahu with Gymnasts

July 6, 2019 56 Comments
Story from 2009

One of my daughters, Beatrice, did J.O. (Junior Olympic) gymnastics for about 10 years. As she advanced in skills and competitive levels, we got to travel more often and farther afield. It afforded us reasons to travel to Arizona, California, Oregon, and Hawaii.

Our Hawaiian trip was fabulous and we are still full of memories. I recently ran across photos from our time on Oahu and took a day or two for a trip down memory lane.

Our gymnastics team was signed up for 2 separate gymnastics meets on consecutive weekends on the island of Oahu, so we started planning for 11 or 12 days on the island to make it a proper family vacation. I talked my mom into coming along. She had never been to Hawaii and was just as excited as I was. I also agreed to chaperone two other young gymnasts from our team, which helped me with the cost. So… I was planning a trip for me, my Mom, my gymnast, Beatrice + two more, as well as my two other kids, Clara and David. That was 7 of us headed to paradise!

We booked a flight, I found a vacation rental 3 bedroom condo, reserved a minivan and organized packing lists for everyone. The flight was good (even with 3 years old, David), and getting the rental went very smoothly. We were greeted very warmly with traditional leis.

And the adventure began

Makaha Beach Park

The condo I booked was on the west side of Oahu. It is not as common of a destination for tourists, but it ended up being perfect for our home away from home. Our rented condo was up in the Makaha Valley and provided what we needed for meals and quiet time. The grounds were beautiful with pools and walking paths and quite a few peacocks. My kids were enthralled. The condo was just up the hill from Makaha Beach Park, which was almost like our own private beach as there were not the crowds of people there.

I particularly enjoyed staying a bit out of the beaten path. We had to drive up and down the west coast each day (sometimes more than once) to get our girls to their gymnastics practices in Honolulu, but it gave me the opportunity to ‘mingle’ just a bit with the regular folk as we stopped for groceries and gas. It was easy to strike up conversations about what life was like on the island and they all had curiosity about why we were there. The gymnasts would often pull off a couple of flips and tumbling moves to the delight of everyone around.

Beatrice and Clara – Oahu

Since we were there for such a long stretch it was nice to not be frantic about fitting everything in. We had made a short must-do list, anyway, so it was truly time to hang out and enjoy the warm weather away from rainy Seattle in January. The girls’ requests were for a lot of beach time and some shopping. My request was to see Pearl Harbour. My mom wanted a Luau. We scheduled everything around gymnastics practices and we reserved one day each weekend for the scheduled competitions.

Pearl Harbor

The girls (the gymnasts) kind of groaned about a ‘boring war thing,’ so I told them that Pearl Harbour was our first sightseeing outing to “get it out of the way.” All 4 girls were between 10 and 13, so I could understand their initial lack of interest, but I was determined.

Once we found our condo, our ‘home’ and got unpacked, we spent the rest of the first day at Makaha Beach. After the long flight and such, we just chilled for the rest of the day at the beach, reveling in the warm air, the beautiful scenery, foliage, flowers, and birds.

Pearl Harbor Arizona Memorial

But the next day, we headed off to Pearl Harbor, and I had nothing to fear. What a fabulous place. We didn’t go to all the exhibits, but we watched the film about what happened on that fateful December 7 day. For the first time, I saw the light dawn in the kids’ eyes. Little David was only 3 years old, but he was engrossed in the movie.


Then we got on the boat that heads out to the Arizona Memorial. The girls were all chatty and giggly when we boarded the boat, but as we got closer to the Memorial, they got quieter and quieter. The kids were quiet and respectful, asked a million questions in hushed voices and read the names of the people who died that day that were etched on the wall . They noted common surnames, speculating on whether related family members died together. I encouraged them to do some research when we get home and they nodded. Even 3-year-old David wandered from railing to railing looking quietly at the wreck of the Arizona underneath us. He understood the somber respect due the awful memory of that day.

At the Arizona Memorial

When we got off the boat back at the center, we hit up the gift shop. All of the girls bought postcards with pictures of the history and of the current Memorial. I was so pleased at their newfound interest in a part of our national history.

Regular Days

Many of the days kind of melted together with a bit of a routine of gymnastics practice, grocery shopping, beach time, meals, and pool time (it kind of seems silly to go to Hawaii to swim in a pool, but compared to Seattle in January, sunny days with an outdoor pool was such a delight).

Mom and I had decided that we weren’t going to try to see and do everything. The practices for the gymnasts kind of broke up most of the days, so we decided we’d enjoy the tropical atmosphere and relax, rather than frantically try to fit in a lot of things. We did get to spend an afternoon at the Aloha Stadium Swap Meet and the girls shopped to their hearts’ delight. There are over 400 vendors there and it is open 3 days a week. It was fun!

We even had an evening routine of homework time for the school work the girls brought from their teachers. Mom and I tried a variety of different wines each evening as we spent some fun mother/daughter time together.

However, we did have two other notable Hawaiian experiences both seemed perfect for the wish list that each of us had created.

Polynesian Village

My mom’s bucket list included a luau. We researched some choices and decided to spend one of our whole free days at the Polynesian Cultural Center. It was a fun day for my kids and us adults. It is large and “touristy,” but we were having so much fun being tourists (which is what we were, right?) that we joined right in with everything.

The Polynesian Center was full of activity and a variety of things to see and to join in with. The center is set up with history and activities throughout a series of ‘villages.’ Each village area highlighted different Polynesian peoples and culture… Tonga, Tahiti, Hawaii, Fiji, Aotearoa, Samoa. They offered displays of history and culture and activities from presentations to dances to shows to games. One of the employees even convinced the kids to try some poi, an indigenous food made from taro root. The paths amongst the villages were paved and beautiful with foliage and waterfalls.

Beatrice at the Luau

The luau dinner was delicious, served buffet style and they had a small stage show with Hulu dancing and drumming. The children in the audience were invited to come down to the stage to try some Hulu dancing of their own. My gymnasts were delighted and Hulu’d for the rest of the night, including in their seatbelts in the van on the way back to the condo. The roasted pig was proudly displayed before serving and the side dishes were good. We all ate to bursting, then slowly wandered back along the paths to see the evening show.

We went from the luau dinner to a fantastic stage show with a large cast of indigenous people doing the Hula and Haka and other traditional dances and stories from all the Polynesian cultures. There were some pretty amazing fire dances, too. It was a long active day, but it more than satisfied our touristy hearts.

Hanuama Bay

Beatrice at Hanauma Bay

We were experiencing beach time every day and twice the three gymnasts went with other teammates to their rentals and enjoyed beach/pool time with their friends. But I decided that our beach time should include a first time experience at snorkeling for all of us. After more research, Mom and I had decided to spend another of our free days at Hanauma State Park. It is a nature preserve and a very special protected place.

Clara at Hanauma Bay

Hanauma is a small, sheltered cove and is open to a limited number of people each day. Since it is a protected reserve, entrance includes a requirement to see a 9 minute movie, a documentary, about the preserve and what the rules and responsibilities are in order to be able to experience this beach.

Hanauma Bay from above.

This picture is a stock photo from Hawaii State Park website and you can see the small crescent beach with the shallow entry into the cove and the numerous reef areas that spread throughout the cove.

We were able to rent snorkeling gear and our first-time experience at seeing the tropical underwater life was quite satisfying. It was such a wonderful place. David had a new beach to explore and the entry level for the water meant he got to explore the water, too, without the big waves that kept knocking him over at ‘our’ Makaha beach.

Clara showing Grandma the tropical fish

My mom didn’t want to snorkel, so my daughter, Clara figured out that she could walk all the way out to the reef area, since the water was so shallow and she showed grandma all the beautiful fish out there, holding her arm helping her avoid the sharp rocks.

We came ‘home’ that night full of sun, sand and a new experience under the water. Happy kids!

The Competitions

Beatrice took 1st Place on Vault

The REAL reason we came to Hawaii was the gymnastics meets. All of the girls did well at both competitions and came home with a few trophies and medals. My Beatrice took 1st place on Vault at both meets, which was like the cherry on top of a wonderful trip.

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I’d really love to have you along for the journey! Sign up here to get email notes every time I post a new article. There are a lot more stories to come!!!


  1. Reply

    Martina Roy

    August 26, 2019

    This is very really unique helpful information. keep it up. Thank you so much!

    • Reply


      August 29, 2019

      Thank you, Martina! It was a fun trip!

  2. Reply

    Ruth Iaela-Pukahi

    July 23, 2019

    It’s so fun to read about your adventures on my island. Makaha is a beautiful part of Oahu but so far away! I’m sure you got your share of wonderful Oahu traffic too! lol You made wonderful choices of things to do while here! The Arizona Memorial is a must! I worked at the Polynesian Cultural Center and is always a place I recommend going to! It really is the best place to go to learn about so many different cultures! The swap meet is seriously the best place to shop while here! You get the most for your money especially for touristy stuff! I love the swap meet! Haunama bay! The beach! And yes, the pool, my kids love the pool too just as much as the beach! 1st place?! That’s so awesome!!! Just curious, where was the gymnastic meets held?

    • Reply


      July 26, 2019

      You live in a beautiful place!!!! The traffic comment cracked me up. You have obviously never been to Seattle. We drive in TRAFFIC and all over the place all the time. The drive to Makaha was nothing.
      I don’t remember where the meets were. There were two different teams hosting, but the meets were in gymnasiums somewhere in/near Honolulu.
      We had a blast!!!!

  3. Reply

    Annette Durbin

    July 19, 2019

    Congratulations, such an inspirational gymnast!! We visited Oahu and loved it, too!

    • Reply


      July 20, 2019

      Thank you, Annette! Our gymnastics journey was fabulous for many years… the trip to Oahu, too.

  4. Reply


    July 17, 2019

    What a wonderful opportunity to have new experiences! My granddaughter just mentioned yesterday that she would love for us to visit Hawaii together. It would be a first trip for both of us.

    • Reply


      July 18, 2019

      Oh, do go!!!! The environment and culture is wonderful no matter what you do or see. Have fun!

  5. Reply

    Christina Furnival Real Life Mama

    July 17, 2019

    What a lovely family getaway! My 3 year old daughter is in gymnastics and it’s so fun to look forward to think we could be doing competition travels someday!

    • Reply


      July 18, 2019

      It’s quite the journey… not the travel, but the gymnastics life. My daughter was doing 4 hours a day, 5 days a week and 5 hours on Saturdays by the time she decided to retire in high school. But it was her passion and it nourished her !

  6. Reply

    Junell DuBois

    July 17, 2019

    What an amazing experience for the entire gymnastics team! I love Pearl Harbor. Can’t wait to take my kids.

    • Reply


      July 18, 2019

      It was fun for the team. The girls spent so much time together in the gym and it was fun to spend outside/travel time with them, no matter where we went.

  7. Reply

    Nicole Cruze

    July 16, 2019

    Sounds like some really special memories you all made!

    • Reply


      July 16, 2019

      Yes. Beatrice read it and was full of stories with her memories.

  8. Reply


    July 16, 2019

    Sounds like an amazing trip! We are headed to Oahu ourselves next week and have looked at some of the places you visited!

    • Reply


      July 16, 2019

      Oh, my goodness! Have fun!!!!! There is so much more there than what we did… I’m ready to go back.

  9. Reply


    July 16, 2019

    Aww looks like such a fun family vacation!

    • Reply


      July 16, 2019

      It truly was. David doesn’t remember much. But the girls like to talk about it.

  10. Reply


    July 16, 2019

    Your photos are lovely! I haven’t been to Hawaii, but I certainly can’t wait to get there someday!

    • Reply


      July 16, 2019

      Thank you, Magan. I hope you do make it over. It’s such a special place.

  11. Reply

    Wendy Hammock

    July 16, 2019

    That looks like a trip of a lifetime. I visited Maui about 20 years ago and I would love to go to any of the Hawaiian islands.

    • Reply


      July 16, 2019

      It was a trip that fell together so nicely. It’s hard to plan things like this as a single parent with several kids, but having a real goal with the competitions help jumpstart me. I’m glad we did it.

  12. Reply


    July 16, 2019

    Fantastic post! I love traveling with my daughter is is a competitive dancer too. We always seem to find good adventures to have along the way. Well done!

    • Reply


      July 16, 2019

      Then you know exactly, eh? It’s fun to watch her compete, but the extra stuff for the rest of the family makes the long hours worth it.

  13. Reply


    July 16, 2019

    What an amazing vacation! I seriously cannot wait to visit pearl harbor someday! It is top priority for a hawaii trip! Thank you for sharing!

    • Reply


      July 16, 2019

      Pearl Harbor is full of emotional history. The gymnasts with me talked about it off and on for the rest of the trip. None of the other team members went there and the girls really tried to talk it up.

  14. Reply

    Jennifer Morrison

    July 16, 2019

    What an awesome family vacation. I am planning to travel to Hawaii in a few years, so I appreciate all of the ideas. My children were involved in competitive figure skating and competitive soccer, so we planned quite a few family vacations surrounding their sports schedule. Truly great experience.

    • Reply


      July 16, 2019

      It was a good trip. Where all did you get to travel? It adds to the expense of the sport, but also adds fun for the rest of the family instead of just HOURS in the gym. LOL

  15. Reply

    Ramae Hamrin

    July 16, 2019

    My daughter did competitive gymnastics for years too but we never got to go to Hawaii! It looks like you had a wonderful time, and I’m glad you got to go snorkeling. Congrats to Beatrice on the 1st place vaults!

    • Reply


      July 16, 2019

      Thanks, Ramae. It was a jolt to our whole family system when she resigned her sophomore year in high school. She had just finished 2nd place at state, but decided she was done. She still says she does not regret it. She was ready. But in the meantime, we enjoyed trips all over the Western part of our country.

  16. Reply


    July 16, 2019

    What a fun adventure!

    • Reply


      July 16, 2019


  17. Reply


    July 15, 2019

    What a wonderful experience! I understand the joy and busy-ness you experienced as we traveled for competitive dance for years. Glad you were able to have some great free time in addition to all of the competition activities and successes.

    • Reply


      July 16, 2019

      It is a great journey to engage in our kids’ passions. I have my three young granddaughters with me now (7 yrs and 5 y/o twins) and I am watching them try out so many different activities. So far, dance has the attention of all three, but the eldest one is FABULOUS at swimming already. We’ll see what happens.

  18. Reply

    Tricia Snow

    July 15, 2019

    What a blessing that her sport took you to such cool places!

    • Reply


      July 16, 2019

      You are right. Her sport gave us quite a few family adventures. It made up for all the hours and commitment we all made as a family to let her follow her passion.

  19. Reply


    July 15, 2019

    What a fantastic adventure. My son’s hockey tournaments never took me to Hawaii!! LOL!!

    • Reply


      July 16, 2019

      LOL. I bet you ended up in Canada, though! I have a good friend who’s son is very elite hockey and they seem to be in California at least once a month, as well as Canada A LOT!

  20. Reply


    July 15, 2019

    Oahu has so much to offer. I am glad you all fit everything in and have some wonderful memories. Hanauma Bay is one of my fav places on Earth

    • Reply


      July 16, 2019

      It really does… some much we let pass by but don’t regret it. None of the girls with me had ever snorkeled, so they had a ball at Hanauma Bay. It’s fun to watch my kids have fun!

  21. Reply


    July 15, 2019

    I haven’t been to Hawaii, but I certainly want to! I agree that it’s so important to expose kids to history and culture. They absorb more than we think, and I think it helps them be thoughtful in the future.

    • Reply


      July 16, 2019

      I hope you make it someday. I grew up in Illinois and Florida seems to be the warm destination for folks that way. Once I moved to Seattle, I discovered that Hawaii is the favored vacation destination. I make my kids watch and see all kinds of things that they groan about. But even the parents of the extra two girls I was chaperoning said that their daughters sent home postcards about Pearly Harbor and talked about it and asked questions of their parents about it. That was cool!

  22. Reply


    July 15, 2019

    The smiles on their faces say it all….fun had by everyone. Congrats to Beatrice on her medal!! What an amazing accomplishment.

    • Reply


      July 16, 2019

      Thanks, Suzan. Beatrice did well… I was afraid all the girls would be too distracted by the travel and environment, but the whole team did well and took 1st place at one meet and 2nd at the other meet. So they did what they came to do AND had a lot of fun.

  23. Reply


    July 15, 2019

    Sounds like an amazing adventure! I’m sure the kids still talk about it even today!

    • Reply


      July 16, 2019

      Beatrice saw my post and started reminiscing about it all again. 🙂

  24. Reply


    July 15, 2019

    Oahu has so much to offer! I while I’m not an American, I was very moved by Pearl Harbour, it was high on my must see list. Some things should never be forgotten.

    • Reply


      July 16, 2019

      There is so much on Oahu that we did not get to see, but my mom and I had decided we weren’t up for trying to frantically fit everything in. Especially has the girls had 3 hour practices most days. Pearl Harbor had always been on my bucket list and it was quite touching. I would have liked to have explored more if I didn’t have kids with me.

  25. Reply


    July 15, 2019

    I loved our trip to Hawaii. SO smart not to try to do it all. That’s a great tip for any vacation. LOved your first picture with the gymnasts on the beach!

    • Reply


      July 18, 2019

      Thanks, kate! Those girls were doing gymnastics all over every beach they went to. It garnered a fair amount of attention, which they soaked up. LOL

  26. Reply

    Katie Wolfe

    July 15, 2019

    Oh, this makes me want to head back to the islands. I have been several times but not since having kids. I would love to show our son the variety of fun things there are to do!

    • Reply


      July 18, 2019

      Well, dear, I think it must be time for your vacation! LOL
      Kids change the dynamic of spending time on vacation, but it’s so great in Hawaii no matter what you do. Just the environment invites happiness.

  27. Reply


    July 15, 2019

    Looks like an amazing trip! You guys definitely hit all the highlights. I’m glad you got to experience swap meet, and that the kids ended up appreciating the Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor!

    • Reply


      July 18, 2019

      Thanks, Malia. Other than the beach, the swap meet was the girls’ favorite thing of all. They enjoyed everything, but they LOVED shopping. LOL

  28. Reply

    Haley Kelley

    July 15, 2019

    This looks like so much fun for the whole family!

    • Reply


      July 18, 2019

      Yes, indeedy!


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