It’s a Boy!

May 25, 2019 66 Comments


I would never wish a teenage pregnancy on anyone. It is a situation full of drama, confusion, and worry.

But the gift of my daughter’s teen pregnancy is now a young man who has become my son. He is such a sweet piece of my life.

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Alice, my first daughter, healed so much and learned a lot of new coping skills as she grew. But the trauma and injuries early in her life have left her with a lot of vulnerabilities. She craves connection but does not always know how to read people well. She is sweet, friendly, polite and respectful. She has a smile that shines a mile away. But she takes everyone at face value and cannot judge situations and relationships until she is a long way down the road. These issues continue to draw her into hard places.

As a teen, Alice was sweet-talked by a young man (who ended up being a drug dealer…yikes!) and she fell into an edgy group of kids. It was a short period of time – about 4 months (which is a lifetime for a parent who is watching this evolve), but she experimented with drugs, alcohol and, obviously, sex. However, once she was a “long way down the road,” and found out she was pregnant, she recognized the situation as not good and returned home.

Alice did so well with her pregnancy. She swam on her school team until she was 5 months along. She continued taking her classes, and she kept all her appointments. Alice also took birth and parenting classes and our family threw her a baby shower. She discovered she was having a boy and named him David.

David was 5 weeks early, but weighed in at 6 pounds 7 ounces. Alice handled the labor and delivery very well with minimal medication. It was pretty special for me to be with my Alice during her labor and to witness the birth of my first grandchild.

Alice did experience increasing post-partum depression, but accepted medication and returned to counseling for a while. She also returned to school and work right away, while I got to care for David. After taking in 3 little girls at 4 and 5 years old, it was kind of fun learning baby care (and boy care).

Alice was a great mom! She got up with him when needed at nights, did his laundry, breastfed for over a year, and took him on outings with her. She graduated high school and continued to work as a lifeguard. And my, oh my, Alice loved (and still does love) her little boy!

David’s first two years were wonderful while I continued to parent and nurture my three girls, one of them being a mommy herself now. David loved all the attention from the girls. He loved anything with wheels and buttons and knobs when he was young. And he had THE BEST baby smile!

Being able to see everything through the eyes of a baby made my life richer. Those first two years after David was born were especially sweet with my growing family!


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  1. Reply

    T.M. Brown

    June 8, 2019

    What a way to take a life-altering situation in a teen’s life and turn it into something beautiful.

    • Reply


      June 8, 2019

      Something VERY beautiful. David is a blessing over and over!

  2. Reply

    Tonya | the Writer Mom

    June 5, 2019

    What an adorable little guy! You sound like you’ve done a great job raising your family, despite the bumps along the way.

    • Reply


      June 6, 2019

      Thank you, Tonya. Lots of bumps! Lots of blessings. I wouldn’t have it any other way. 🙂

  3. Reply


    June 4, 2019

    What a blessing you are to your family! You were there for Alice, supporting her and caring for her so she could care for her pregnancy and then baby David. I look forward to reading about what happened next.

    • Reply


      June 4, 2019

      Thank you, Cindy. Most of the time, I feel like the one who is blessed over and over again. The journey with foster care and adoption can be VERY rough, but the gifts of family and love just keep coming. Thanks for reading!!!

  4. Reply


    June 3, 2019

    What a wonderful story! Babies really are a blessing, no matter the circumstances!

    • Reply


      June 3, 2019

      Thank you, Kim. I agree. And this particular baby was a special blessing for us. Thank you for reading!

  5. Reply


    June 2, 2019

    You are such an amazing woman! I love reading all your posts 🙂

    • Reply


      June 2, 2019

      Thank you, Lina. Maybe not so amazing… blessed! I am so glad you are enjoying my writing. It’s so much fun for me.

  6. Reply

    Dawnmarie @ EnjoyingtheDays

    June 1, 2019

    Psalm 127:3 tells us that children are a gift and sons are a heritage. A baby is a beautiful thing, and it is so special that you embraced this little guys. I hope that you all continue to experience many blessings together.

    • Reply


      June 1, 2019

      Thank you, Dawnmarie! I am truly gifted and blessed! It was fun to get to do the baby thing after adopting older kids. Exhausting, but fun. 🙂 Thanks for coming over to read.

  7. Reply


    June 1, 2019

    She is amazing! Teen pregnancy is definitely not ideal, but she stepped up! I am sure you are very proud!

    • Reply


      June 1, 2019

      Meagan, thank you! Alice is truly amazing and David is a blessing!!!

  8. Reply


    June 1, 2019

    What a wonderful home Alice has, to know she and David are fully supported and loved! And how fun for you to get to learn all things “boy.” I know it may not be the ideal, or traditional, pathway, but it sounds like you made a solid family your own way.

    • Reply


      June 1, 2019

      Thank you, Malia. I am truly blessed and all the “glitches” can be approached with love and understanding. It’s a rich life!

  9. Reply

    Angela Greven | Mean Green Chef

    June 1, 2019

    What a darling boy and family! I always love seeing what you’re all up too on Instagram and reading your stories here, thank you for inviting us in and sharing. I have no idea how you juggle this in too! 🤗

    • Reply


      June 1, 2019

      Thanks, Angela. We are busy, that’s for sure. We’ll see how my blogging journey progresses when the kids are all at home for the summer. Eek! 🙂

  10. Reply


    June 1, 2019

    I am so impressed by the way you helped your daughter through this difficult time and gave her the encouragement to do all the right things for her life and her baby’s. Not all parents would have handled this with the love and grace you had.

    • Reply


      June 1, 2019

      Thank you, Michele. Everything to do with parenting foster and adopted kids HAS to involve love and grace and understanding. It’s a blessed journey

  11. Reply


    June 1, 2019

    Little boys are the best! What a great story for both the little guy and your daughter. Life throws some of the most interesting and rewarding twists sometimes!

    • Reply


      June 1, 2019

      Thank you, Tiffany. This twist has been VERY rewarding. The journey with foster/adopted kids is very interesting. This period of time was not wihtout it’s turmoil, but in the end, we are blessed!

  12. Reply

    Kymberly Irwin

    May 31, 2019

    Wonderful family. And David is absolutely beautiful. I didn’t want your story to end. It was as if I was reading a good book … it was over too quickly. Best of luck to all of you!

    • Reply


      June 1, 2019

      Thank you, Kymberly. Be sure to subscribe as the story has indeed continued and our family is rich with love and experiences!

  13. Reply


    May 31, 2019

    It is tough… I was young, not that young but young… and having the support of the family makes all the difference. 🙂

    • Reply


      June 1, 2019

      Parenting is not for the faint of heart, that’s for sure!!! Thank you for being here.

  14. Reply


    May 31, 2019

    What a special story – I’m sure your daughter is beyond grateful for your continued support and nurturing, both for herself and her baby boy.

    • Reply


      June 1, 2019

      Thank you, Michelle. Thank you, MIchelle. We have a pretty special relationship.

  15. Reply

    Jennifer Morrison

    May 31, 2019

    What a beautiful description. Taking care of little ones is so much work, and it is challenging for someone to do this when they are still learning and growing themselves. My daughter in law was only 19 when she had my granddaughter and I was so impressed at the sacrifices that she made to grow my grandbaby. I am thankful that for her work. Thanks for sharing.

    • Reply


      June 1, 2019

      Thank you, Jennifer. I’m always happy when someone has seen versions of my stories and can truly appreciate what happened. Thanks for reading.

  16. Reply


    May 31, 2019

    Great job, Momma and Grandma! Thanks for sharing!

    • Reply


      June 1, 2019

      Thank you, Robin. Thanks for coming over to read.

  17. Reply

    Cynthia Mackintosh

    May 31, 2019

    You have an incredible story and no one can take that away from you. I wish your teen daughter much success as a mommy herself!

    • Reply


      June 1, 2019

      Thank you, Cynthia! I am truly blessed. Fostering kids means a lot of grace and a lot of love.

  18. Reply


    May 31, 2019

    I am so glad that David was born. I strongly believe if God sent him to your daughter, there was a reason for that! And David is adorable! God bless your family!

    • Reply


      June 1, 2019

      Thank you, Anna. David is a blessing and is making a mark on the world.

  19. Reply

    Christina Furnival

    May 30, 2019

    As a therapist, I have to say, on the behalf of all young girls going through unplanned pregnancy, I am so grateful that you supported your daughter in any and every way she needed. What a blessing you are to your girls, and now to your grandson. Best wishes as he continues to grow!

    • Reply


      May 30, 2019

      Thank you, Christina. I appreciate the words of support. We are blessed and I am surrounded by such a great community. Many things in this foster care journey are SOOO hard, but I would not choose any other life.

  20. Reply

    Kyndall Bennett

    May 30, 2019

    I’m so grateful that you were not condescending towards your daughter. My mom got pregnant with me I think when she was 19, and our family pretty much treated her like crap since it was out of wed-lock. She told me that of the ones that treated her the worse, their kids were already locked up in jail while I was prepping to leave for the military to pay my own way through college. No one is perfect, so I’m grateful that you’re encouraging your daughter to be a wonderful mother. Maybe she’ll get into mommy-blogging too. I’ve seen that it’s been pretty popular!

    • Reply


      May 30, 2019

      Thank you, Kyndall! My kids have been through SO much trauma and I am proud of each in their growth. Teen parenting is not easy, but with support, blessings abound.

  21. Reply

    Maureen Cardenas

    May 30, 2019

    Thank you so much for sharing your inspirational story! That is one lucky little boy!

    • Reply


      May 30, 2019

      Thank you, Maureen. I’m glad you like it. I aim to inspire with my writing. We are all blessed to have David in our lives.

  22. Reply


    May 30, 2019

    Great post. You all are very blessed and lucky to have each other. Hard times are just a bit easier when you have support. !

    • Reply


      May 30, 2019

      Thank you! I am truly blessed!

  23. Reply


    May 30, 2019

    With two girls, I didn’t realize how special and different little boys are. They are the best.

    • Reply


      May 30, 2019

      Boys are VERY different! It’s been an adventure.

  24. Reply


    May 30, 2019

    What a cute little guy, you have a beautiful family 🙂

    • Reply


      May 30, 2019

      Thank you, Liz! I agree, I LOVE my beautiful family. 🙂

  25. Reply


    May 30, 2019

    What an absolute beautiful story of redemption! Just goes to show God really does make all things new and you have a beautiful grandson, but what an amazing daughter you have raised with wisdom and determination beyond her years to do the right thing and do it all with such class and perseverance! The world could use a whole lot more of her type! Blessings to your whole beautiful family!

    • Reply


      May 30, 2019

      Thank you, Susan! There are some very hard situations in life and every single one of them is full of blessings. I appreciate you coming to read. Karla

  26. Reply


    May 30, 2019

    Children definitely bring a certain light with them! His smile shines from within…beautifully.

    • Reply


      May 30, 2019

      Thank you, Suzan. David is truly a special kid, and I am blessed!

  27. Reply


    May 30, 2019

    Aww I love this! Good for your daughter taking responsibility and stepping up for David. And what an amazing mother you are for helping her and teaches her a long the way instead of judging. David looks so incredibly happy!

    • Reply


      May 30, 2019

      Thank you, Brittany. I am truly blessed and feel like we have done the best we can. I appreciate you coming over to read. Karla

  28. Reply


    May 30, 2019

    How wonderful! I just became a new grandma last September, and am helping to raise my grandson along with my daughter since the dad skipped out. It’s such an amazing blessing!

    • Reply


      May 30, 2019

      Even the hardest situations contain blessings. And a child is always a blessing! Good for you. Your daughter and your grandson are blessed! Karla

  29. Reply


    May 30, 2019

    Motherhood is not easy at any age but much less so as a teenager!

    • Reply


      May 30, 2019

      Yes, true! I am hoping being able to help and support both of them has made their life richer.

  30. Reply


    May 30, 2019

    What a cutie! You are amazing! Each time I read your blog I wonder how you do it. Keep doing what you are doing, the world needs more of this.

    • Reply


      May 30, 2019

      Awww, thanks, Heather. What I am doing is the richest life I could ever ask for. I am so glad you are enjoying my writing. That makes me feel good! Thank you. Karla

  31. Reply


    May 30, 2019

    David will have a great strong female presence from birth, hopefully last through his whole life!

    • Reply


      May 30, 2019

      Oh, yes! And so much love and attachment. As a foster parent, I know how critical this is for life.

  32. Reply

    Tricia Snow

    May 30, 2019

    What a wonderful perspective on this beautiful situation!

    • Reply


      May 30, 2019

      Thank you! Beautiful kids!

  33. Reply


    May 27, 2019

    David is so cute and bubbly! Wow…you’re inspiring Karla! It’s not an easy task but you’re doing an amazing job nurturing those kids.

    • Reply


      May 28, 2019

      Thank you, Jane. You’re right, it’s not easy. But the joy and the blessings are undeniable. David is a special kid!!!! Thank you for reading. Karla


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