6 Simple Activities for Family (Road) Trips

May 22, 2019 52 Comments

Road trips are exciting!  Some road trips are designed for a new destination place to explore and/or cool places to see along the way.  Other road trips may be destination family/friend gatherings. A road trip for any reason is usually approached with anticipation and a lot of planning about what there will be to see and do.  

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I will assume that most families also plan for how to keep themselves (adults and children) occupied along the way.  There will be hours of sitting in a vehicle and bringing along some activities that are loved and familiar for the kids is very important for peace in the car.  I have found that it is often extremely helpful to also have some new surprises to pull out of my activity stash when everyone gets bored with what they brought.  I have a few ideas for you. These aren’t brand new for my kids, but only come out on trips, so they are fresh again every time.

Hink Pinks

This is a word game that often goes on for a couple of days at a time.  It will die down as everyone moves on to something else.  Then, all of a sudden, someone will shout out, “I have a new Hink Pink.”  Then we are all hooked again.

It is simple and it is a rhyming game, so you can coach some of your younger ones and/or team them up with an older person, giving them the chance to make rhymes.

The only rule is to give everyone a clue about your Hink Pink.  Everyone tries to guess.   Often, if we (older ones) get it fast, we will coach the younger ones to find the answer before we blurt it out.  We don’t take turns or keep any scores, though I know others who have done both to make it more competitive.  We just all sit and think and call out clues when we think of something.  Often, watching out the window of a moving car brings rhymes to mind.

Here are some examples of clues…..

  • An overweight feline…. (a fat cat)
  • Clean up droppings……. (scoop poop)
  • A large branch….. (a thick stick)

The trick is to think of your rhyme first, then find a clue without using the words from the rhyme.  Are you thinking of ideas?  It really is fun!

Next step….. Hinky Pinkies!  That’s right!  Two syllable rhyming words!   Think of a clue for a ‘stable table.’  Or, what is a cold Easter flower? (a chilly lily)

Aaaaaaand….. Hinkety Pinketies!  THREE syllable rhyming words.  Hehehe!  Can you think of a clue for a ‘conductor instructor?’  Before we give a clue, we always tell everyone if it is a Hink Pink, a Hinky Pinky, or a Hinkety Pinkety

I’ve even heard tell of Hinkediddle Pinkediddles, but we’ve never gone to the extreme of 4 syllables.

Pipe cleaners

Almost everywhere we go, I bring a stash of pipe cleaners.  Even the older kids enjoy playing around with them.  On trips, we use them to fiddle with, but I often give different challenges. 

  • One is to have everyone look at something we are passing (ie. the same evergreen tree) and ask everyone to make one. 
  • Or that everyone looks out the window and makes something that they see on their own. 
  • Maybe I’ll ask everyone in each row of seats (two or three kids) to work together to create something fun with the pipe cleaners (for my kids, this ask often involves kind of a woven mat picture, but we’ve seen satellites, dinosaurs, flowers, a sproingy monster (pipe cleaners wound around a finger to make it ‘sproingy’), and a recreation of our van).
  • Or perhaps, I’ll have everyone make something for another person in the car.

I’ll bet you could come up with any number of other ideas.  On our next trip, I think, will include a request that they make pipe cleaner flowers, or something to give to the servers or random people at each rest stop and meal on the trip. 

Alphabet license plates

We all know the game of finding the alphabet letters in order on road signs.  When I am on the road with my kids who are big enough to see license plates on cars, we play the same game for the plates.  But I keep trying to find twists to the game.  Who can be the first to find all the letters to spell out our last name in order?  Or ask them to each choose a 10 letter word of their own and see who finds the letters to their own word first.  Let the kids each make up an alphabet rule.


This is a game we love anywhere, and it can get a bit dicey in the car (you’ll get the pun further down), but this is very doable in a vehicle.  For this, you really need to get a hard surface with a lip around the edge for each person – a lap size tray of some kind – because this game involves rolling dice.  It’s a quick game, but has many, many variations.  The gist of the game is that each person has 10 dice.  On the ‘Ready, Set, Go’ everyone starts rolling their dice and each tries to be first to get the same number for all 10 dice.  It doesn’t matter what number it is, just all 10 the same. 


The variations come with a set of game cards that give different directions.  One might be that everyone has to get all 4’s for their dice.  Another might be that they all need to get five 5’s and five 6’s.  You get the idea.  If you don’t have a set of game cards, everyone can take turns making up a new rule, or whoever won the round before gets to give the new rule.

The ‘dicey’ part of this activity for a road trip is that if any of the dice jump over the edge of anyone’s tray, the next part of the game is to find lost dice at the next rest stop.  LOL

Story lines

This is not an original activity, but we love this one.  Someone starts a story and we go around the group to add on to the story. Our goal is always to have it make some kind of sense and for the story to be done after everyone (there ARE 8 of us) has had three turns. 

When we go on a road trip, we add a twist…. We record the story on someone’s phone and get it typed up (we use Dragon Naturally Speaking, but any voice-to-text will work) to make a book for everyone’s memory stash.  Because we know it will be saved as a momento from our trip, we try to include elements of our travel into the story, even if it is fantasmagical.  It’s especially fun if we have little ones with us, because they have the BEST IMAGINATIONS ever!  There is a lot of laughter. 

Paper dolls

I grew up with paper dolls.  My sisters and I would spend hours tracing the outlines of our paper dolls and adding tabs to the outlines, then designing new dresses, pants, coats, shoes, etc with our crayons. 

from printablepaperdolls.net

There are paper dolls out there in the world that you can buy and play with, but I usually find a couple of paper dolls online and print them on cardstock.  I usually cut the paper dolls out ahead of time, but that, itself can be a car activity. Then we bring along more cardstock, markers, scissors and tape (I’ve cut off my share of tabs that hold the clothing to the paper dolls and need to tape them back on). From the outlines, we design our own clothes for the dolls.  Even some of my older kids love this.  And they are wonderful at helping the younger one’s trace and color and cut (when I can tear them away from their own clothing design).

This is a site that lets you download and print paper dolls for free. https://www.printablepaperdolls.net/

It’s Time to Leave!

These activities are six of my current extras.  Everyone gets in the van for a road trip with their usual, well-loved activities… coloring books, activity books (sudoku, crossword), screen devices (phones or tablets), dolls, books, Matchbox cars, etc.  But I save the extras for when I hear the first “Are we there yet?”  My extra activities change all the time, but these are favorites with the kids.  And since foster care has brought newbies to the trips once in a while, it’s fun to recycle great ideas. Let’s hit the road!

I’d love to hear more ideas from all of you!!!!


If you want to read more about any of the kids’ journeys, click on their name under categories to the right –>
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  1. Reply


    June 4, 2019

    These are great ideas! Half the battle is finding ways to keep the kid entertained on road trips!

    • Reply


      June 6, 2019

      Thank you, Amanda. For this summer, we’ll pull out these favorites, but I’ve tasked my two oldest teens with coming up with an new idea each. Might just be a new blog post. We’ll see what they come up with. Thanks for coming over to read this.

  2. Reply


    June 3, 2019

    This is a great post! I’m totally gonna play hink pink next time we have a road trip!

    • Reply


      June 4, 2019

      Have fun!!!!

  3. Reply


    May 29, 2019

    What FUN activities to do on a road trip!!! I wish I had these ideas when my kiddos were little!! Great ideas!!

    • Reply


      May 29, 2019

      Try them out with a group of friends! Fun at any age. Maybe ice breakers or a holiday gathering? Thanks for reading. Karla

  4. Reply


    May 29, 2019

    These are such great ideas! I haven’t heard about any of those games before, but they look like fun!

    • Reply


      May 29, 2019

      Thanks, Eileen! Try them out…. even a group of adults would enjoy these! Thanks for reading! Karla

  5. Reply


    May 28, 2019

    These are fantastic Karla. I’ve never heard of any of them. Im going to print this out and share it.

    • Reply


      May 28, 2019

      Thank you, Pauline. I sure hope you have fun. While these are great for car activities, they can happen anywhere, anytime. Even grownup events would be good places to have some fun! Karla

  6. Reply


    May 28, 2019

    Great idea!!! I pinned this for our upcoming trip, thank you!!

    • Reply


      May 28, 2019

      Wonderful! Thank you, Lisa. Have fun on your trip. I’d love to hear how you all like the activities. Karla

  7. Reply

    Angela Greven | Mean Green Chef

    May 27, 2019

    Great tips to ease the dullrum of car trips for kids!

    • Reply


      May 28, 2019

      Thank you, Angela. Definitely fun! Karla

  8. Reply


    May 26, 2019

    These are great ideas! When my kids were young we played lots of games in the car. I made large bingo cards covered with plastic so the kids could wipe off the Xs and play again. I included animals, plants and landmarks that were found in the states we were driving through, along with general objects. Fun times!

    • Reply


      May 28, 2019

      Thanks, Cindy! I love this new idea! I’m making bingo cards before our trip to Oregon! Thank you. Karla

  9. Reply


    May 25, 2019

    Great ideas! More ideas the better for car travel!

    • Reply


      May 26, 2019

      Thanks, Tiffany. Have fun!!!!

  10. Reply

    T.M. Brown

    May 25, 2019

    Oh, so much fun! The boys used to love playing games in the car during long trips. These are some that we’ve never played before.

    • Reply


      May 25, 2019

      Give them a try…. adults enjoy them, too… at an office party or a bar-b-que or a family reunion? Have fun!

  11. Reply


    May 24, 2019

    Great ideas! I have not heard some of these before. Hink Pink sounds like a lot of fun!

    • Reply


      May 24, 2019

      Give it a try! Old and young enjoy it! Thanks! Karla

  12. Reply

    Junell DuBois

    May 24, 2019

    What fun ideas! I have never heard of hink pink. I’ve played versions of it but the name is new to me! We will have to remember to play it one day.

    • Reply


      May 24, 2019

      Hink Pink is really fun. It doesn’t have to be only for the kids, either! Thanks for comign over to read. Karla

  13. Reply


    May 24, 2019

    I have never heard of Hink Pink, but we play the license plate game. It was a favorite of ours. We have a 16 hour road trip in July, so going to try the Hink Pink game. Thanks!

    • Reply


      May 24, 2019

      Have fun!!!! And have a safe trip!

  14. Reply


    May 24, 2019

    Love a good car game!!! Life savers!!

    • Reply


      May 24, 2019


  15. Reply


    May 24, 2019

    What great ideas! Wish I had had this years ago!!!

    • Reply


      May 24, 2019

      Thanks. I’ll bet you that if you had a group of friends over, no matter their age, they would enjoy any of these! 😀

  16. Reply


    May 24, 2019

    Great ideas! We play the license tag game, and I have brought pipe cleaner before. I haven’t heard of hink pink. We’ll have to try that one!

    • Reply


      May 24, 2019

      I hope you enjoy it. Just a suggestion. Two of my kids have needed notepads to visualize the rhymes, so paper and pencil might be helpful.

  17. Reply


    May 24, 2019

    THIIIIIIISSS! Great tips! Totally bookmarking this!

    • Reply


      May 24, 2019

      I’m glad you enjoyed this. Have fun in the car!!!!

  18. Reply

    Leigh Ann

    May 23, 2019

    Some great ideas here! I’ve never played Hink Pink for example but can totally see us doing it on our next road trip.

    • Reply


      May 23, 2019

      Thanks! Hink Pinks happen everywhere! Enjoy!!!!

  19. Reply


    May 23, 2019

    Such good ideas for children on long car rides! A lot of these I had either never heard of or just hadn’t thought of! Pipe Cleaners! So cleaver =)

    • Reply


      May 23, 2019

      Thank you. Pipe cleaners have been one of my standby’s with kids for 28 years!!!! Always good. One time, it wasn’t a long trip — about 3 hour drive, but we had to stop three times for the 2 year olds to get out and run their legs (very cranky). The older kids took the time to decorate the door handles, car antenna, and windshield wipers with pipe cleaners (it wasn’t raining). They were SOOOO pleased with themselves. 😀

  20. Reply

    Ramae Hamrin

    May 23, 2019

    I’ve never heard of HInk Pink before, but it sounds fun! My kids are probably too old for car ride games, but I’m not!

    • Reply


      May 23, 2019

      Yes! But I bet your kids would have fun with Hink Pinks! We’ve played it on vacation with family… adults and kids, and we have a blast, so your kids might surprise you! Give it a try!

  21. Reply


    May 23, 2019

    We play story lines often! It’s a favorite. I’ve never thought to bring pipe cleaners. The kids LOVE pipe cleaners at home – of course they’d love them in the car! Great idea!!

    • Reply


      May 23, 2019

      Thank you, Charlene. Pipe cleaners come is such a variety now, too, so it is really run to get creative!

  22. Reply


    May 23, 2019

    License plate games are the best! I played them as a kid and do so now with my kids

    • Reply


      May 23, 2019

      License plates really are the way to go. They are everywhere and there is such a variety of activities to do with them. States, colors, letters, numbers…. the possibilities seem endless!

  23. Reply


    May 23, 2019

    What fun games…just the name Hinkety Pinketies makes me want to play 🙂

    • Reply


      May 23, 2019

      Thanks, Suzan. I have my kids to play with, but a group of adults at a retreat or outing would have fun with Hink Pinks…. maybe in the break room on a white board? LOL Thanks for reading!

  24. Reply


    May 23, 2019

    Games are so fun esp when there’s a big group. Paper dolls was my fave growing up. Now we love to do story time, making up stories off each other. Great article! Love reading about your adventures with your kids. 🙂

    • Reply


      May 23, 2019

      Thanks, Laura. Well… I have a big group! 7 kids in my home right now. And they do love games. Thank you for reading. We have a rich life here!

  25. Reply

    Kyndall Bennett

    May 23, 2019

    These are adorable games! I really like the Hink Pink one! My mom used to play a spelling game with me where she would spell a word backwards and I had to figure out what the word was by piecing the letters back in the reverse order. Seeing that my mom was a teacher, I now see that she created a clever game to build my memory and spelling skills!

    • Reply


      May 23, 2019

      Thanks, Kyndall. In your spelling game, did she let you write it backwards or did you have to figure out the word in your head? I’ll bet we could do it the other way, too. Give the kid a word and ask them to spell it backwards to you. 🙂 Word games are fun, but oh, so good for the brain!

  26. Reply

    Julia Kelahan

    May 23, 2019

    We love hink pinks, but we call them stink pink! We also play ghost – go around each person saying a letter to build a word. The trick, though, is if you finish off a word, you lose, but you must always have a word in mind that you are working towards. If you lose a round, you become 1/3 of a ghost.
    I love the pipe cleaner idea!

    • Reply


      May 23, 2019

      We’ll have to try Ghost. It sounds like fun!


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