It’s All About the Scissors

March 1, 2019 46 Comments


We produce calendars every year. I use the word ‘produce’ very specifically. This year, we made 54 calendars to give away to family and friends. I know! It’s crazy!

It all started innocently enough when Alice, my first daughter was 5 years old. I had gotten the idea from someone to make a calendar with pictures and artwork for grandparents. She had grandparents and aunties and uncles on my side, but we had regular contact with her biological family and there were grandparents and aunties and uncles there, too. So we started the project early in the year and made a couple of handfuls of calendars with pictures and artwork of and by Christina. They were VERY well liked and she got a lot of praise for them.

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The next year, she asked if she could give one to her teacher. So we added another. Then it was her favorite social worker, then her therapist. She soon wanted to give one to her bus driver…. you get the idea. EVERYONE loved them and she loved that feeling. She was also very artistic and enjoyed anything crafty. It was a fun activity for us to do together as the months went by and became an evening routine to do a few pages at a time. We had to do 12 January’s, then 12 February’s, etc.

A few years later, when Beatrice joined out family, we had to add calendars for HER biological family and HER teacher and HER therapist. Soon they wanted to give one to our favorite musician at church, and the pastor, of course. I drew the line at giving one to our favorite grocery cashier and to the homeless guy we frequently gave food to on a particular corner on the way to gymnastics.

Once we added Clara to the family and then Freddy, making calendars had become a beast of it’s own. But it was a fun, friendly, family activity beast. Different kids liked different aspects of the projects. Clara grew to love photography and would at times contribute photos and/or ideas. Alice continued to love hands-on crafting. Beatrice, not so much. She loved the ideas and wanted to help, but doing the same “craft” twenty times (or whatever number of calendars we were up to) was boring. She’d say, “But I already DID this!” Still, I could bribe her to help with cutting while we watched a movie, since TV was not an everyday thing.

This year’s March page is all about wind and rain and rainbows. We found an extra roll of shelf paper in one of our cupboards. The zigzag stripes reminded us of the wind and cloudy days and then we used these funny photos of the younger siblings and used rainbow colors.


Over the years, the quality of the artwork and calendar pages has waxed and waned, specifically the cut work. Those scissors can cut perfectly along the edge of a picture if the particular child is older and/or persnickety about doing things ‘just right.’ Those scissors can also have all kinds of adventures all over the page if the child is younger and or easily distracted, and the photo or design may or may not have borders, or someone’s left foot may be missing if he/she cut corners. But all get to contribute and all gifts are welcomed. The 4 year old twins were new to scissors this past fall and they were probably the most diligent cutters I had. They were SOOOO proud of cutting pictures and shapes. I will tell stories about this calendar for them, and they will grow up knowing they were as valuable in contributing to our gifts as the older kids were.

I’ve come to see the projects as one of the best gifts I’ve given my kids. They come, sometimes, without routines, or a sense of giving to others, or any traditions. If they had family traditions, they are often lost to them when they join a new family. But this is so simple, so family oriented, and such a treasure, that I hope the memories stick with my kids. They each get a copy of the calendar for their own room or memory box, so I hope they have many stories to tell their own kids. This past Christmas, we made 54 calendars…. 9 went to the kids themselves and the rest are scattered far and wide…. classrooms, homes, church, different states, and the gifts are given for different reasons, but all with one loving heart (or our ten hearts).


If you want to read more about any of the kids’ journeys, click on their name under categories to the right –>
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  1. Reply

    Dawnmarie @ EnjoyingtheDays

    August 22, 2019

    What a sweet project tray is. I can see why you take all year to work on it. What an endeavor. Looking back in these calendars when they are older might be another enjoyable activity.

    • Reply


      August 22, 2019

      It is such a fun tradition for us. And they each get their own copy, which adds 10 additional calendars to our list, but they will have them to look back on and remember good family time!!!!

  2. Reply

    T.M. Brown

    August 18, 2019

    Awww – I love this!!! What a beautiful, creative and thoughtful idea! I love how everyone is involved and the project is a family event. Even better – you give them as gifts to others. Love your heart, Karla!!!

    • Reply


      August 18, 2019

      Thank you, Tina! It is really something special for our family!

  3. Reply


    August 18, 2019

    Such a lovely idea. And your patience is the reason it is so successful each year.

    • Reply


      August 18, 2019

      It is such fun. Once in a while, we are scrambling at the last minute because events in life have kept us from working month to month, but overall, the kids are very proud to give such a gift.

  4. Reply

    Stacey Billingsley

    August 18, 2019

    Such a cool idea! The kids work together, and the important people in their lives get a keepsake. I love it!

    • Reply


      August 18, 2019

      Thanks! WE have a ball!

  5. Reply

    Jen at My Average Life

    August 18, 2019

    I always make calendars for Christmas presents for the grandparents!

    • Reply


      August 21, 2019

      Nice! I’d love to see!

  6. Reply


    August 17, 2019

    What a wonderful idea! Not only are the calendars useful, they are precious keepsakes as well.

    • Reply


      August 21, 2019

      We have saved every one!!!! I’ve just run across some of our very first ones with my first daughter, Alice!

  7. Reply


    August 17, 2019

    Wow! That’s an impressive project. Not only is it a thoughtful gift, but it’s also such a wonderful way to make and preserve memories.

    • Reply


      August 21, 2019

      AND have a lot of fun together!!!! It is just fun for us.

  8. Reply

    Melissa Jones

    August 17, 2019

    So fun!!!

    • Reply


      August 21, 2019

      Lots of fun!

  9. Reply

    Ramae Hamrin

    August 17, 2019

    I love this idea! I never thought of this when my kids were little. Such a great way to involve the whole family and such very nice gifts!

    • Reply


      August 24, 2019

      We enjoy it SO much!!!!

  10. Reply


    August 17, 2019

    What a wonderful idea and such sweet memories.

    • Reply


      February 28, 2020

      I just found your comment in my spam. Booo!!! I do so appreciate your taking the time to communicate with me. We are still working on calendars.

  11. Reply

    Jennifer Morrison

    August 17, 2019

    What a need project. And a great way to celebrate!

    • Reply


      August 24, 2019

      We are building such good memories, too!!!!

  12. Reply


    August 17, 2019

    I LOVE this idea! I’d love to do this with my children when I have them xx

    • Reply


      August 24, 2019

      Keep it in mind! It’s pretty special.

  13. Reply


    August 17, 2019

    That’s a LOT of calendars! One made with love and given with love are always the best!

    • Reply


      August 24, 2019

      A LOT of calendars…. page by page by page. LOL

  14. Reply

    Leigh Ann Newman

    August 16, 2019

    What a great family activity and you have something to keep from all the years past. I love it!

    • Reply


      August 16, 2019

      It really is fun and creates good, loving memories!

  15. Reply

    Lisa Manderino

    August 16, 2019

    I think making calendars is a great idea. It does take a lot of work! I have done this in the past!

    • Reply


      August 16, 2019

      Yes, then you know how much time it takes. But… we work all year long with a variety of projects, so the kids really have fun!!!

  16. Reply


    August 16, 2019

    What an amazing idea! You have given those children the gift of a family tradition and I’m sure they will always remember it.

    • Reply


      August 16, 2019

      LOVE family traditions! And the memories of working together with different art projects!

  17. Reply


    August 16, 2019

    What a beautiful idea! I might try this with my children. Thank you for the idea 🙂

    • Reply


      August 16, 2019

      I’m sure your kids would love it if they like art projects!

  18. Reply

    Melissa Parcel

    August 16, 2019

    That’s so awesome! What memories they will have in the future.

    • Reply


      August 16, 2019

      The memories are important and my Mom (Grandma) kept every single one!!!! That’s a lot of calendars! LOL 🙂

  19. Reply


    August 16, 2019

    What a thoughtful and meaningful process and gift for everyone involved. The lucky recipients I am sure appreciate the calendars!

    • Reply


      August 16, 2019

      Thanks, Angela. I am told that recipients keep the calendars for years. I sure do like looking back!!!!

  20. Reply


    August 16, 2019

    What a creative and fun activity! Thank you for sharing!

    • Reply


      August 16, 2019

      My pleasure. It truly is fun!

  21. Reply

    Laura Lee

    August 16, 2019

    I’ve made calendars for my family. It’s a lot of fun! My mom often refers to it when sending out birthday cards.

    • Reply


      August 16, 2019

      Yes, Laura Lee… it is really fun. I especially love when my older kids start coming up with the creative ideas for the pages.

  22. Reply


    August 16, 2019

    Wow! You guys really do “produce” calendars! 😃What fun you and your kids have together!

    • Reply


      August 16, 2019

      LOL. We do! But since we work on them all year, it is usually just a matter of fun art projects spread out over time. The real production is getting them put together when the months are all ready. It requires a lot of hole punching. LOL

  23. Reply


    March 3, 2019

    Love the Karla. You r a wonderful mother.

    • Reply


      March 3, 2019

      Aw! Thank you! I am blessed in so many ways and I have a lot of fun with this bunch!


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